People are searching for y Our Services on the Internet right now. Are they finding you?
Is Your Website Working Enough for You and brings you revenue?
The answer for any expert is a clear one. When companies think about getting a website they typically focus on how it’s going to look - the design. I suspect this is because website owners are so entrenched in their own business and its intricacies that they take this for granted and focus instead on how the website they typically focus on how it’s going to look - the design. I suspect this is because is going to look rather than what the website they typically focus on how it’s going to look - the design. I suspect this is because may need to accomplish - the goals.
But why would a person visit your site to begin with. Is it for its design?
Let’s say you do start with design first. Your creative team will provide a concept without the knowledge of how much content there will be, the priority of content sections and what information is being conveyed. The design will be based on assumptions, with placeholders for content. Later you will need to adjust the content to fit within the placeholders inevitably sacrificing its quality, clarity and intention. More unnecessary time will need to be spent in the design process on making adjustments and revisions to account for the addition of content.
Even in more agile development websites, content should still be focused on first, followed by architecture, design, technical development, and usability testing.
Website visitors may browse a website to discover a solution to a problem, learn about a product or service, find a company with good credentials before contacting them, read news, interact with friends or make a purchase. Among the intentions of most website visitors is the objective to read and acquire information in order to fulfill a need.
So if the primary focus of most website visitors is to read something why then do most website owners put so much focus on the website's graphic design?
If you’re not seeing it yet – focusing on design first won’t get you the right results. Determining your website goals and how they can be achieved should be the first step of any website project. Search Engin Optimizatin and content, need to be the primary focus. In relation to your website goals, the content will assist in determining navigation, information flow, and layout. Finally, design should complement and enhance the content through imagery, clarity, positioning, and colour to evoke a mood and feel for what you’re about.
These days, when your potential customers want to buy the products or services, the first thing they do is to go online to get more information by typing in the keywords that make the most sense to them in google or other search engines.
Which means you lose if:
You will want a Professional Search Engine Friendly Website Design.
Organic Search Engine Solutions that help you keep your customers, and attract new ones!! Increase traffic to your website.
Contact us today and we can get to work immediately helping your business grow with a professional Web Design and SEO plan.