Social Bookmarking

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What is Social Bookmarking?

Social bookmarking websites are online locations where you can bookmark your favourite pages rather than just saving them in your browser favourites. This allows online communities to promote and share some of the best pages they find online.

Businesses can benefit from social bookmarking by becoming a community authority in finding the best online information for a particular field or industry. Some of these bookmarked pages should include your own website, but it is important to remember that to be an authority on the topic you must find a wide range of websites with useful information.

Some of the most well known social bookmarking websites include:

  • Digg
  • Delicious
  • Reddit
  • StumbleUp
  • Furl
  • Mixx
What We Can Help

Social bookmarking is a unique way of promoting your website's pages as well as sharing interesting industry information from other websites. Websites that have many pages shared in social bookmarking communities can benefit in organic SEO as the site is being promoted by actual visitors.

There are many social bookmarking communities dedicated to sharing specific types of information such as news stories, technology-focused websites, and more. can help you identify the best social bookmarking websites for your industry and guide you in how to effectively participate in the social bookmarking community.

about us

We deliver accurate, efficient and high performance solutions for web development, Internet marketing and search engine optimization. We create web sites that are user friendly, accessible and mobile friendly based on your requirements. Talk to us to discuss your requirements.